
International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities

Bi-Monthly Refereed e-Journal in English


Welcome to International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities (IRJAH)

IRJAH is a refereed e-journal created to publish theoretical and research articles on English Literature and Language, Humanities, forms of Arts and Social Sciences. IRJAH encourages interpretations, criticism and thoughtful insights among the new and established authors, thinkers, established writers. This journal is eager to generate a serious debate on different multidisciplinary issues in the world of academics. However, the Journal welcomes original, scholarly and unpublished research papers which includes critical analysis of any aspect of English Literature, History, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science, thoughtful essays, book reviews, interviews, original poems, short stories and translated works from the faculty members, graduate students, independent researchers, and writers from all over the world. The scope of the journal is wide open to the International English Literature, Post-colonial Literature, New Literature, Commonwealth Literature, English Language Teaching, Indian Writing in English, Applied Linguistics and TEFL, literary theories, sociological ideas and other research areas inclusive of arts, humanities and all forms of creative writings written in English. 


The opinions expressed in the articles, research papers and other contents appearing in the journal are purely trusted to be genuine thoughtful products of those of the respective authors' and in no way reflect the opinions of the editors or the journal authorities. Authors submitting their work for publication in IRJAH are responsible for getting approval for copyrighted material they use in their articles. IRJAH should not be held responsible for any infringement of copyright laws for the published content.

Peer Review Process

We follow a strict double-blind reviewing of the submitted works that is we promise to conceal always the identity of both the reviewers and the author from each other. If any submitted article fails to fulfill primary standards, it will be rejected and the author will be communicated the decision promptly. If the editors are satisfied, they will select two or more reviewers for detailed consideration of the articles. The editors may advise the author to revise the article for publication.

Welcome to International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities (ISSN-********, IMPACT FACTOR-***) and experience a new platform for innovative and intellectual thoughts. Best wishes and let us celebrate creative thinking.

We thank you cordially to visit, look and share your thoughts in our journal!


Prasanta Ghoshal