Submission Guidelines

International ResearchJournal of Arts and Humanities

Bi-Monthly Refereed e-Journal in English
ISSN-********, IMPACT FACTOR-******

Submission Guidelines:
You can submit original theoretical or research articles, book reviews, interviews, poems and short fictions as electronic submissions via e-mail as attached documents (Microsoft word only). The documents must include name and your designation, affiliation details of the institution or organization you are attached to, in the body of your submission.  Submission must be in single attachment. In the e-mail you must mention the type of submission (Poem/ Fiction/ Article etc) in the “Subject” line. You must include the statement claiming that you have read the submission guidelines, you agree to the policy of the journal and that the submission is original and does not contain plagiarized material.

Ø  Format of the ARTICLES:

Authors are requested to follow the standard MLA style strictly while preparing the articles. The format of submitting the articles is following.
1. Full title (with subtitle, if any) in Times New Roman font, size 14, bold (not all capital letters)
2. Name(s), designation and affiliation of the author/s
3. An abstract of the article of within 150 words
4. Key words related to the paper submitted
4. Authors should note that the main body of the text should be prepared in such a way that no formatting is needed afterwards. Heading, sub headings and illustrations should be well incorporated within the main body of the article. Times New Roman font, size 12 and justified
5. For the convenience of the authors, no word-limit for articles is strictly followed. But ideally it should not exceed 5000 words inclusive of Works Cited.
6. All portions of the articles should be single-line spaced.
7. Author should not submit a paper with grammatical and typographical errors.
8. All essays submitted must be in English for review. Quotations in languages other than English must be accompanied by translations and font file or other necessary software(s).
Please submit papers without decorating with lines, borders, shade, water mark, special characters, word art, colourful fonts, background colour or any other ways(such as smiley, emoticons etc.) and please co-operate with us in all sorts for the publication of your paper without unnecessary delay or unwanted cancellation.


The mission of IRJAH is to publish the finest fiction (within 10,000 words), with special attention to cultural and social perspectives. We are also interested in more experimental narratives as well as well-written flash fictions (within 1,500 words). There are no restrictions on subjects and themes but it must not be offensive or morally unacceptable. Our purpose is to publish the works of sensible thinkers with their significant works. For poetry, we aim to publish the enthusiastic works of emerging poets.

Fiction: Submit one piece at one time.
Poetry: Submit upto four poems at one time.
Include a short biographical note in your submission.
Only previously unpublished works are to be submitted.

IRJAH is entitled to publish submitted work in any form (online or in print). The editor-in-chief can also reproduce the submission in any form (book/ anthology) and authors will be reported about the publication in other form. We allow our authors flexible rights to republish and reproduce and distribute their published contents with third parties anywhere in any format on the following conditions:
1. The authors will inform the editor-in-chief about the intended republication or reproduction by third parties by sending a signed letter.
2. The authors will acknowledge credits to IRJAH as the first publisher and include the URL (the original link location) in their works.

Send your articles, poetry, fiction or other forms of contributions to:
