
International Research Journal of Arts and Humanities (IRJAH)

Bi-Monthly Refereed e-Journal in English


It is indeed a heartfelt pleasure to bring before you IRJAH - An International peer-reviewed,  free access, online Journal, published BI-MONTHLY (February, April, June, August, October, December) and dedicated to the critical, scholarly studies of new and the established researchers, creative writers and analysts in the field of arts and humanities, written in English to help them with a platform for their thoughts to be recognized and we are excited to be their companions and an active part in this journey. Hope, this journey successfully reaches its destination of fulfilling the expectation of all.

We invite you to submit your manuscripts of original, scholarly  and unpublished papers which includes critical analysis of any aspect of English Literature, History, Political Science, Sociology, Social Science, thoughtful essays, book reviews, interviews, original poems, short stories and translated works from the faculty members, graduate students, independent researchers, and writers from all over the world. The scope of the journal is wide open to the International English Literature, Post-colonial Literature, New Literature, Commonwealth Literature, English Language Teaching, Indian Writing in English, Applied Linguistics and TEFL, literary theories, politics, surveys, sociological ideas and other research areas inclusive of arts, humanities and all forms of creative writings written in English. 

Submission to the Journal is open throughout the year and researchers are requested to send their researchers papers approximately one month prior to the month of publication. The Paper Submission Details are illustrated in our ‘Submission Procedure’ heading. Authors will get all the required details there.

Together our journey will surely be fruitful for your academic career and would contribute to the world with valuable ideas and innovative thoughts and would provoke newer developments in the respective fields of study. We encourage our valuable readers to engage their sincere concentration in the reading of the innovative works published in our journal and also to provide necessary feedback which if provided sincerely would enable us to be more specific and thoughtful.
Prasanta Ghoshal